Are you looking for affordable breast implants abroad? Breast enhancement with implants is a much in demand cosmetic procedure but being an elective surgery, it is not covered by insurance.

Breast augmentation, also known as breast enhancement or augmentation mammoplasty and colloquially known as boob job, is the standard procedure for surgical enhancement of the size of a woman’s breasts.

It is done either by placing saline or silicone filled implants inside the breasts, or in few cases, by fat grafting.

This article discusses breast augmentation only with breast implants, because there is not enough data to support breast augmentation with fat grafting, and it may be used to bring about only a small improvement in breast size.

Breast implants abroad

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, breast augmentation was the most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in 2015.

For affordable breast implants abroad, you can consider:

Breast implants in Thailand – cost starts from $4,200

Breast implants in India – cost starts from $3,000

Breast implants in Malaysia – cost starts from $5,500

Consider undergoing breast augmentation surgery if:

  • If your breasts are too small in proportion to your figure
  • If one of your breasts is smaller than the other
  • If the size and shape of your breasts have been affected by pregnancy, weight loss or aging
  • You have a flat-chest and are uncomfortable about it

You are, if:

  • You breasts feel too small for your body
  • Your breasts have become smaller or lost firmness after breastfeeding
  • Significant weight-loss has caused your breasts to shrink and loose firmness
  • Your breasts are uneven in size

Also, to qualify you must:

  • Be in good health, and free of any major medical complications
  • Have realistic expectations from the surgery

Breasts continue to develop during your late teens and even into your early 20s, and you don’t want to undergo surgery unless you know they will not grow any more naturally.

Your breast implants can be: saline or silicone

The shell of a breast implant is made of a plastic material called silicone. In saline implants, it is filled with sterile salt water (saline), and in silicone implants the shell is filled with an elastic gel.

Silicone implants were a little controversial back in 1992, when the FDA had to halt their use over safety concerns.

More research and experiments later, they were back on the market winning FDA approval in 2006. Silicone implants have again become popular in the past decade because women report than they feel more like real breasts than the saline ones.

However, in case of leakage, saline implants are considered much safer (discussed later).

You can check the FDA breast implant information to know more about the safety of silicone implants.

Breast implant surgery is performed under general anesthesia; it takes approximately 2 hours.


You will be put to sleep under general anesthesia so you do not feel any pain in the two hours that your operation is being carried out


Incisions are made, usually towards the lower crease of the breast to minimize unsightly scars.

Depending upon the size of your breasts and implants to be placed, your surgeon may also decide to make the incision around your areola (periolar) or in your axilla (armpit)

Breast implants - incisions


The decided breast implant is then placed into the pocket created under the breast tissue.


The incisions are then closed with sutures, which will dissolve in a couple of days.

Do not rush to fly back home, after getting your breast augmentation overseas. Stay at a hotel or recovery resort, while your surgeon monitors your recovery

  • You may be allowed to go home in a couple of hours, although most hospitals in Asia will let you stay overnight under doctor’s observation.
  • Your breasts will be covered with gauze after the surgery, and you will have drainage tubes in place.
  • A surgical compression bra will be given to help in reducing swelling over the next two weeks.
  • Expect some pain for atleast 48 hours after the surgery, but that will subside with pain medication.
  • Your doctor may give you some antibiotics
  • The stitches will dissolve in a couple of days; if they are external, they will be removed after one week
  • There will be some redness and swelling, which should resolve in a month’s time.
  • You should be able to walk the same day; you will be encouraged to walk every few hours avoid blood clots.
  • You will be allowed to return to work about 2 weeks after the surgery, but your upper body will feel sore
  • Do not take on any heavy lifting or strenuous exercises until you have recovered completely in about six weeks time.
  • Be extremely gentle with your breasts for atleast six weeks
  • In case of any accident, you should know, that breast implants can leak, and you might need replacement
  • Periodic checks with your local doctor may be required to ensure everything is alright

After breast implant surgery, you will be given detailed instructions about the normal symptoms to expect and any signs of potential complications.

Carefully follow the instructions and know that recovery times vary from person to person.

While they are intended to last your lifetime, if a breast implant ruptures, it will have to be replaced.

The saline implants are considered safer because if they rupture, they will deflate and the saline will be safely absorbed by the body.

A silicone implant, on the other hand, shows no obvious symptom of rupture. It is called a silent rupture.

Even if you decide to go abroad for affordable breast implants, you may periodically them checked at your local doctor's office.

MRI scans are recommended to women who get silicone breast implants. So you get scanned three years after your surgery and every two years after that to check for silent rupture.

Mammograms may become difficult after breast implants, but special X-ray views can be done.

Strategically placed incisions should not leave any highly visible scars after breast implant surgery.

Any obvious scars will fade over time although you cannot expect to get completely rid of them.

Besides the risk of rupture, the other potential complications in a breast implant surgery are:

  • Breast pain
  • Alteration in nipple sensation
  • Improper healing
  • Excessive scarring
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Asymmetry in the size of the implants
  • Adverse reaction to anesthesia
  • Scarring around the implant (capsular contracture)
  • Incorrect placement of the implant

Yes, but breastfeeding might become very difficult. Discuss with your surgeon to know your best option for breast implants if you plant to get pregnant in future.

For any questions or queries, please reach out to us at

Based on about 12,000 ratings by the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), the satisfaction rate for breast implants is 95.8%.

That means about 96 of every 100 women who undergo breast implant surgery are happy with the results.

Breast implants success rate
  • How many years of plastic surgery training have you had?
  • How many cases of breast implants have do done so far?
  • Do I make a good candidate for breast implants?
  • How long will I take to recover?
  • Will I need any help during the recovery period?
  • How soon can I fly back home?
  • When can I return to work?
  • What kind and shape of breast implants are recommended for me?
  • What are the risks and complications associated with my procedure?
  • How many of your previous patients have reported complications after breast implant surgery?
  • How were the complications handled?
  • What kind of maintenance is required?
  • How often will I have to get checked by my local doctor?
  • What are my options if I am unhappy with the outcome of breast implant surgery?
  • Can you share any before-after picture of your breast implant cases?


You can use our service to find the best clinics for breast implants.

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